Because a Fire Fighter's Wife needs support too, this site is for you. We are the unseen "heros" of the fire service. The partners behind the men and women who bravely fight each day to protect property and people. We are the ones who hear it all. Although none of us would even think to call ourselves a "hero," our job is no less important than that of the men and women we support.
I'm hoping this site can be a place to reflect, to share, and to offer advice. I've been sharing my family's fire service stories online at Stop Screaming I'm Driving! - where I mostly write about the experience of parenting. However, I have noticed through the years an increase in the number of emails and questions I recieve from you - other wives, girlfriends, parents and support people of firefighters.
And so, this place was born.
Please feel free to email me anytime at with your questions. I will post your emails here (anonymously) and respond to each one individually.